Adult Programs
♦ FALL SESSION I: SEPT 9-OCT 20 (6 weeks)
♦ FALL SESSION II: OCT 21-DEC 1 (6 weeks)*
*no class on Thanksgiving, 11/28 – Thurs classes prorated
♦ WINTER SESSION I: DEC 2-JAN 26 (6 weeks)*
*no classes 12/23-1/5 for winter break
♦ WINTER SESSION II: JAN 27-MAR 9 (6 weeks)
♦ SPRING I: MAR 10-APR 19 (6 weeks)*
*no class on Easter Sunday, 4/20 – Sun classes prorated
♦ SPRING II: APR 21-JUN 2 (6 weeks)*
* no class on Memorial Day, 5/26 – Makeup on 6/2
ADULT BEGINNER – Ages (18+): This class is for MEN and WOMEN who have little-to-no tennis formal tennis experience – or – adults who have played a little in the past and are just getting back into the game. Students will learn proper stroke technique and begin to play out points with simple live ball drills. Whether you are new to the game, or need to brush up your skill before moving to Advanced Beginner, you are sure to learn alot and enjoy yourself along the way! Please bring a tennis racquet to class and wear athletic shoes and comfortable clothing. If you need a loaner racquet for your first day – no worries. We will set you up and give you advice on the kind of racquet you need to get started. There are no refunds on class registrations. Please refer to our refund policy
⇒ Classes are once-per-week: $252 (6 week session) – see session schedule at top of page
• Monday 7:30-9:00 pm
• Wednesday 11:30a-1:00 pm
• Friday 11:30a-1:00 pm
ADULT ADVANCED-BEGINNER – NTRP 2.5-3.0 (18+): This class is designed for MEN and WOMEN who have some past experience and have learned the basic strokes. Proper technique will continue to be emphasized, and match strategy will be introduced. A continuation of Adult Beginner, students will become more confident in a baseline rally through live ball drill and simulated doubles play. Players will be divided in accordance with levels. There are no refunds on class registrations. Please refer to our refund policy
⇒ Classes are once-per-week: $252 (6 week session) – see session schedule at top of page
• Monday 7:30-9:00 pm
• Tuesday 10:30a-12:00 pm
• Wednesday 7:30-9:00 pm
• Thursday 10:30a-12:00 pm
ADULT INTERMEDIATE – NTRP 3.5+ (17+): This class is for MEN and WOMEN with prior match experience and a firm grasp of all strokes. Players should be ready to take their game to the next level. Proper strokes and grips will be reinforced, along with match strategy. Competitive drills will simulate match competition for both singles and doubles play. There are no refunds on class registrations. Players will be divided in accordance with levels. Please refer to our refund policy
⇒ Classes are once-per-week: $252 (6 week session) – see session schedule at top of page
• Tuesday 10:30a-12:00 pm
• Thursday 7:30-9:00 pm
CO-ED ORGANIZED PRACTICE – NTRP 3.0+-4.0 (18+): A fast moving class for MEN and WOMEN with organized drills and supervised play. Focus is on success in USTA league play. There are no refunds on class registrations. Please refer to our refund policy
Saturday 9:30-11:00 am – Weekly Registration
⇒ *DROP-IN ONLY $38 member; $43 non-member

ADULT ROCK ‘N’ ROLL – NTRP 3.5-4.0 (18+): A fast moving clinic with challenging live-ball attack-and-defend drills to rock & roll music. A minimum 3.0 USTA rating or equivalent level of play is required for Rock ‘N’ Roll tennis. Players MUST be able to volley. This is a fast-moving class for athletic players.
This high-energy class is a favorite among adults! For MEN and WOMEN – fun & competitive – you need to know how to volley and maintain a medium-to-high paced rally. Players are grouped by level of play. This is a fun, cardio-type class and is not meant for instruction. Players should have previous tennis instruction/experience and a good grasp of the game to join the class. There are no refunds on class registrations. Please refer to our refund policy
⇒ Classes are once-per-week: $252 (6 week session) – see session schedule at top of page
Sunday 10:30a-12:00 pm
⇒ *Weekly Drop-In is also available: $38 member/$43 non-member
JAY’S JAMS – CARDIO TENNIS – All Levels 18+ (Minimum 2.5 NTRP) A fast moving class for MEN and WOMEN with music. A minimum 2.5 USTA rating or equivalent level of play is required. This is high-energy cardio class, intended for an awesome workout! Focus is on movement and hitting a lot of balls. This is a fun, cardio class, and is not meant for instruction. Players should have previous tennis instruction/experience. Please refer to our refund policy
•Tuesday 9:00-10:30 am – Weekly Registration
•Thursday 9:00-10:30 am – Weekly Registration
⇒ *DROP-IN ONLY $38 member; $43 non-member
TENNIS WITH TUNES – NTRP 3.0-3.5 (17+): Morning workout with upbeat music. Practice for both MEN and WOMEN with doubles drills and supervised play.
This high-energy class is a favorite among adults! Fun & competitive – you need to know how to volley and maintain a medium-to-high paced rally. Players are grouped by level of play. This is a fun, cardio-type class and is not meant for instruction. Players should have previous tennis instruction/experience and a good grasp of the game to join the class. There are no refunds on class registrations. Please refer to our refund policy
• Saturday 3:30-5:00 pm – Weekly Registration
⇒ *DROP-IN ONLY $38 member; $43 non-member