SPRING CLASSES begin March 14 (March 9 for Top Flight Academy.) Sign up by March 7th to receive a 10% Early Bird Discount. Don’t wait until the deal is over! Register online at www.wessenitc.com.
SPRING CLASSES begin March 14 (March 9 for Top Flight Academy.) Sign up by March 7th to receive a 10% Early Bird Discount. Don’t wait until the deal is over! Register online at www.wessenitc.com.
Come play the hottest sport sweeping the country! A pickleball social for all levels. THANKSGIVING PICKLEBALL MIXER Saturday, November 25 6:00-9:00 PM $25 member/ $35 non-member This mixer is for anyone who knows how to play pickleball. Players will be organized by level. Light snacks provided. You do NOT need a partner. Bring your own…
Wessen Indoor Tennis ClubSaturday, November 305:00-7:30 PM$25 members/$35 non-members All levels welcome. You do NOT need a partner. Bring your own paddle and join in the fun! (We have a few loaner racquets, but if you have a paddle, please bring it.) Players will be grouped by level. Light snacks will be provided. Register online…
SATURDAY, JULY 14 Boys & Girls Ages 13 & Under Start Time: 12:00 PM Duration: Approx 3 hours Boys & Girls Ages 14-17 Start Time: 3:30 PM Duration: Approx 3 hours Matches are played with regulation yellow tennis balls. Participants must be competent in tennis and be able to serve, rally and keep their own…
Congratulations to the Detroit Country Day Girls’ Varsity Team and their awesome coaches Jessica Stencel, Brian DeVirgilio and Phil Eagleson!
Register Online for 10% Early Bird Discount! WINTER SESSION is right around the corner. Register early to receive a 10% discount. Also, check out our new HOLIDAY CAMPS over school break. This is a great opportunity to improve skills in a short amount of time! Register Early! We have a limited number of spaces available…