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Memorial Weekend USTA Tournament
Register online with TennisLink
SUMMER SESSION III AUG 9-SEPT 2 (4 weeks) Registration is open for Summer Session III – Indoors at Wessen Indoor Tennis Club. This is a 4-week session that begins on August 9. Classes are already filling quickly! REGISTER ONLINE Monday/Wednesday 5-6 PM Red Ball ($130) Teen Beginner ($130) Orange Ball ($130) 6-7:30 PM Green…
Randy’s Round Robin Mixer
Come out for a night of friendly robin robin play! Singles and doubles mixer hosted by Coach Randy Hoag. RANDY’S ROUND ROBIN FRIDAY EVENINGS 7:00-8:30 PM $20/member: $25/non-member No Membership Required Join our weekly email invitation list by contacting the club by phone 248-253-9300, or by email
USTA Summer League Play
It’s time to start thinking about summer USTA League play! Consider Wessen Indoor Tennis Club for your upcoming summer USTA tennis league play: No rain delays or cancellations! State of the art lighting, both day and night Beautiful facility with towels, locker rooms, vending machines and much more If you would like to talk about…